Tag Archive for cwejman

Cwejman VCO2-RM & STG LPF demo

This is just a short demo of the Cwejman VCO2RM thru the STG Soundlabs “Post  lawsuit ” LPF filter.
The VCO2RM is set on the middle wave (the modulated TRI) modulated by the VULCAN MODULATOR by Livewire.
Each VCO has its indipendent modulation rate.
The 2 vco are mixed by an A138 and then pass thru the STG LPF.

An A145 modulate (sine) the filter frequency.

The filter has 75% resonance and the frequency is between 5-6.

Cwejman & STG LPF by francescopoggianti

my eurorack modular synth evolutions…

Just to keep you tuned about my eurorack modular system, this is my actual configuration:

  • Cwejman VCO2RM
  • MFB OSC 02 Triple VCO
  • Doepfer A138 mixer
  • Analogue Solutions SY02 Multimode filter
  • Doepfer A120 lowpass filter
  • STG Soundlabs “Post-lawsuit” LPF
  • Doepfer A145 LFO
  • Livewire Vulcan Modulator
  • PlanB Model 10 Polyphonic Envelope
  • MFB Dual ADSR
  • Doepfer A132-3 dual VCA
  • Analog Systems RS500E EMS Synthi filter


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